
Frequently asked questions

In what formats can interactive puzzles be supplied by Sirius Media?

Our interactive puzzles are built with HTML5 and can be supplied either as a package for you to embed or as an online service to display in an iframe.

Does Sirius Media offer support to help me integrate interactive puzzles into my website?

We can supply comprehensive instructions and advice. Please contact our technical department.

How are puzzles updated on my website?

This is done automatically via our puzzle server at the update interval requested.

Can I order the same puzzle in both print and interactive formats?

Yes, if the puzzle is available interactively, print and interactive can be synchronised to appear on the same day.

Can my puzzle page be designed to my house style?

Both print pages and interactive puzzles can be supplied to your requirements.

Do you offer themed puzzles?

Occasionally we offer special, themed puzzles for significant events. Many other themed puzzles can be made for your individual requirements.

Try our interactive puzzles!

Our most popular puzzles are also interactive for use on websites and in digital publications.